January 10th 2025

         Assalamu Alaikum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuhu,  



  1. Dr. Hind Am Al Abadleh has passed away. Inna Lillahi wa inna illahi Rajiun. Please make Dua for her and her family.
  2. ICEP will be starting the remodeling of the men’s restroom this Monday InshaAllah.
  3. Sheikh lectures will be postponed until further notice.
  4. Iqamah times:

Fajr: 6:20 A.M.

Isha: 7:30 P.M.

  1. Women’s restroom is completely closed. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  • There is still a port-a-potty and hand washing station available outside.
  1. Reminder:
  • No Parking in the FIRE ZONES painted Red. Overflow parking is in the dirt area.
  • Please DO NOT DROP OFF any unwanted books or clothing unless approved by the Board.
  1. There will be free daycare during jummah.
  2. New Muslim Class with Yehia Ibrahim every Saturday at 6:30 P.M.
  3. Women’s Class with Br. Nazmiis every Thursday @ 6:30pm, Zoom Meeting  Mountain Time