Friday Announcements


January 31st 2025

         Assalamu Alaikum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuhu,  



  1. Youth Bonfire Night on Saturday, February 1st after Isha Prayer. Will have Hot Chocolate and S’mores!
  2. Revert Muslimahs of El Paso will have a meet and greet on Sunday, February 2nd after Asr Prayer at ICEP Library.
  3. Beautification Day at ICEP will be postponed!
  4. Janazah Class for Women on Saturday, February 15th, from 11 AM to 3 PM, at ICEP Library.
  5. Hijab and Dress Swap on February 22nd, from 3-5 PM at ICEP.
  6. ICEP will remodel the men’s restroom for 3 weeks, InshaAllah.
  • There is still a port-a-potty and hand washing station available outside.
  1. Sheikh lectures:
  2. Lecture Tonight, After Isha: Refletion “The Ultimate Why Of Marriage”.
  3. Lecture Saturday, After Isha: “Youth Talk with Sheikh Dr. Ihsan and Imam Abdulkadr”.
  4. Qur’an Group for Men on Saturday, after Fajr.
  5. Qur’an Group for Women on Sunday, after Maghrib.
  6. Iqamah times:

Fajr: 6:10 A.M.

Isha: 7:30 P.M.

  1. There will be free daycare during jummah.
  2. Reminder:
  • No Parking in the FIRE ZONES painted Red. Overflow parking is in the dirt area.
  • Please DO NOT DROP OFF any unwanted books or clothing unless approved by the Board.
  1. New Muslim Class with Yehia Ibrahim every Saturday at 6:30 P.M.
  2. Women’s Class with Br. Nazmi is every Thursday @ 6:30pm, Zoom Meeting  Mountain Time

Meeting ID: 771 4633 6408
Passcode: 6ne4VQ

  1. Please join ICEP WhatsAPP Announcement Group using this link:
  2. How to donate to The Islamic Center of El Paso:
    1. Donate Through Zelle: ICEP: CHASEBANK for Salary, utilities and Mosque upkeep Use: 
    2. Donate Through Zelle:ICEP: BANK OFAMERICA for Construction Use:
    3. Donate Through MOHID DONATION WALL UNIT-Swipe card and choose the account that you wish to donate in.

JazakumuAllahu Khairan